How To Apply For Admission To DC4

DC4 receives participants from courts throughout the State of Tennessee. Referrals for admission screening may be made by a public defender’s office, private defense attorney, prosecutor, recovery court coordinator, or other court official.

Please allow 30 days from submission of all supporting documents for an admission decision.

This application protocol supersedes all previous protocols. Please review the eligibility requirements thoroughly before applying. All applications must be submitted through this site or

Application Process

Step 1.

Download and complete the application HERE (pdf) or HERE (docx)

Send the completed application and supporting documents to the DC4 Admissions email. All of the following documents must be attached for the application to be considered.

  • Medical History Form

  • Copy of Applicant’s Criminal History

  • DD-214 Certificate of Release from Discharge from Active Duty (Only applicable if served in the military)

  • HIPAA Release

Step 2.

Failure to submit requested items will result in a delay of the review process.

Step 3.

A message confirming receipt of application and supporting documents will be sent to the referring party.

Step 4.

A DC4 Admission officer will schedule a formal screening interview with applicants who meet the basic admission criteria. Screening interviews will include completion of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and Tennessee Risk Assessment System (TN-RAS). A referring recovery court may furnish a completed ASI and TN-RAS to speed the admission decision process.

Step 5.

All supporting items will be reviewed by the Program Director and treatment team.

Notice of Acceptance

Notice of acceptance into the DC4 program will be sent to the referring entity. The DC4 Case Developer will contact the referring entity when a bed is available. The originating court must then enter an order transferring jurisdiction to the DC4 Presiding Judge.

Ready to send it in?

Ensure the application and all supporting documents are completed. All pages requiring a signature must be completed in order for the application to be processed. Click HERE to send in the documents to the DC4 Executive Director and team for review.