For Families
Rules and regulations for family members of residents to reference.
Meeting and Social Pass Guidelines
Social passes are for bonding with your family and support team members…..NOT DATES!
Passes are to be signed by your primary counselor, Treatment Director or designee.
There will be NO movement on social passes without permission from your counselor.
Call the monitor when you get to your destination on your social pass and when you leave to return to DC4.
Fill out all sections of every pass. If the section does not apply, then put N/A.
Anyone coming in late from social passes will lose time on the next pass.
You must have a telephone available at the address where you are taking pass unless other approved arrangements have been made.
All residents are to be in from pass NO later than 4:30 pm.
You may go to 1 (one) other address outside your primary address and it must be included on your pass with specific times and if applicable, a contact person. If it is not on your pass, you are expected to be at the primary address.
You may NOT change your pass itinerary without permission from your counselor.
Upon returning from your pass, Alco-Sensor and urine drug screens will be given.
If any staff member tries to contact you and no contact is made, your pass will be considered unsuccessful. Your counselor will be notified.
You are not permitted to take passes at hotels or motels.
You must complete a pass and your treatment goals to advance to the next pass.
People who will be transporting residents must sign the resident in and out and must meet transportation criteria of having an approved background check, valid driver’s license, and proof of auto insurance. No exceptions.
NO going to church on social passes.
Don’t leave resident home alone.
You may attend a funeral for the following: Parents, Grandparents, Immediate family, and Significant relationship.
If a resident lives more than 100 miles away from DC4 facility, they may become eligible for 1 (one) 24-hour pass per calendar month following a successful 4-hour in county pass.
** Note: If the phone is busy, there is no answer, or the phone is out of order when the monitor attempts to contact you, then this will be considered a pre-violation and will be handled by the courts.**
“There was much more to my addiction than drugs…After being at DC4 I can see how much my life has changed for the better. I know how to control my emotions better now and I can be a better father, son, and grandson with the tools I have gotten since coming here. DC4 saved my life and made me a better man in the process. I now know how to go through life without drugs or alcohol.”